
Lisbon Show to celebrate the Irish Presidency of the European Union

In 2013 I was honoured to be invited by the Irish Embassy and the Irish Association to exhibit my work as a celebration of the Irish Presidency of the European Union. The exhibition was staged in the fabulous Palacio Independente in the centre of Lisbon. The opening night was a diplomatic event and many international guests of the embassy, ambassadors and cultural attaches were present.   

A few paintings from the recent Lisbon exhibtion in Palacio Independente celebrating the Irish Presidency of the Council of the European Union

The Guinchou  Road   Monserrate Palace Border   dark trees Janas               Colares  Road, summer            

"Enchantment at Monserrate" MONSERRATE PALACE AND GARDENS Artist in residence 2012 -2013

I was invited to be the inaugural Artist in Residence at the  World Heritage Palace and Gardens of Monserrate in Sintra, Portugal. I spent eighteen months painting  in the gardens and the surrounding countryside making a series of paintings which were exhibited in the palace.    The artist at work           The Palace The Opening Night  The Paintings many of the paintings from the earlier Lisbon show were also exhibited NOTES ON THE PAINTINGS AND THE EXHIBITION What is the nature of enchantment?  A layering of realities, a resonance which has a sense of  “the other”, a scintillation of significance, human time suspended or slowed, plant time unhindered, weaving into the abandoned spaces. With its repeating history of both splendour and decadence the palace and gardens of Monserrate emanate this quality...


Colares Road  Colares Road Dark Wood Janas  Uvas Serra christmas card design idea Dahlias Gansos (oil on canvas) Larangeira

Enchantment at Monserrate

Monserrate Palace border trees Monserrate Ipomea Monserrate series    Monserrate lilies 

Porto Airport May 2013
